Artist Bio

Joe Milich has been drawing and painting his entire life. With an inherent artistic ability, and a passion for airplanes that began as a child, it's only natural that he's combined these two great loves into a lifelong career. Over 40 years have been spent in the creation of this vast Aviation Art collection of pen and ink originals, limited edition prints, and paintings, in contrast to his renowned pen and ink work.

Joe has focused much of his attention in recent years to developing an impressionistic oil painting style all of his own. Along with colorful airplane portraits, he also enjoys painting Colorado landscapes, and has won numerous awards for his work.

Joe is a firm believer in painting "plein air". All of his paintings are free hand--done by direct observation of the subject, either on location or from reference material. "I'd rather see a painting full of color, brush strokes, and light, even if not technically perfect, than a technical rendition that looks like a photo."

Please check out his paintings on his fine art website: